divendres, 28 de novembre del 2014

Christmas Cards Exchange

Students from third of Primary have finished colouring their Christmas Cards. Now, we are going to exchange them with other cooperative school from Europe like Greece, Romania, Poland, Turkey and so on.
Click on any of these two pictures if you want to see the final result.

diumenge, 16 de novembre del 2014

eTwinning Project: "I Skype with my little eye"

Our students of fourth of primary has started to work on a project named "I Skype with my little eye". Since now we have spoken with a school of Pamplona and with another one from Greece.
During the first session we had to introduce ourselves and sang a halloween song. It was great.
Here are some samples of the experience.

divendres, 17 d’octubre del 2014

Etwinning project: Let's make desserts together!

We are the students of 2nd of ESO and want to find out about our traditional cuisine and the cuisine of our partners. We will exchange recipes so that every school has to cook foreign desserts. We will record the cooking procedure or will make powerpoint presentations and exchange our experiences with the foreign food in a blog.

The schools which are taking part in this project are from: Greece, Romania, Spain and Turkey.

Here you can see some of the desserts we have prepared:

dilluns, 3 de març del 2014


El dissabte dia 1 de març els guanyadors de la fase local de la 7à edició de THE FONIX de cinquè i sisè, en Fahd i l'Ariadna, van assistir a la fase provincial que se celebrava a la facultat INEFC de Barcelona. Va ser una gran experiència, ja que van poder veure la gran quantitat de nens i nenes, nois i noies, que participaven en aquest concurs. Ells eren dels més petits, però van sortir molt satisfets i contents. A l'abril es publicaran els resultats... sort nois! A veure si passem a la fase final!!!