dissabte, 31 d’octubre del 2015


Des de l'inici del mes d'octubre disposem a la nostra escola de l'Ann. Ella és americana i és la nostra language assistant per aquest curs escolar.
L'Ann ens ajuda a treballar amb els nostres alumnes la part oral de la llengua anglesa des de P3 fins a quart de l'ESO, a través de jocs, cançons, diàlegs, contes, etc.
Benviguda Ann a la notra escola. Esperem que gaudeixis i t'ho passis d'allò més bé.
Welcome Ann to our school. Hope you'll enjoy it and have a good time.

dimarts, 20 d’octubre del 2015


Hola famílies, amb els alumnes de quart hem començat a treballar un projecte eTwinning anomenat GETTING TO KNOW TO EACH OTHER.
La nostra escola de Cerdanyola, juntament amb altres escoles participants d'arreu d'Europa hem fet una presentació, donant-nos a conéixer.
Aquí la podeu veure. Esperem que us agradi.

divendres, 17 d’abril del 2015


Today we have celebrated the first edition of our English Day. It's been a wonderful day, full of joy and activities. Everyone has done their best, in order to make this day unforgettable. Click on the photo to see the photographic report.

On the other hand,secondary students have recorded some make up activities done in the afternoon. Click on the photo to see the videos.

 Our videos

divendres, 13 de març del 2015

The English Day Song

En aquesta entrada podeu escoltar la cançó de la festa del dia amb anglès.

A més a més si cliqueu aquí podreu veure la cançó.

dimarts, 10 de març del 2015

Let's set up our e-library (1st ESO)

During the project, students prepare an e-book for a specific subject every month and then they will upload their e-book to their e-library. The other partners can post their books and they can also set up an etwinning library at their school.
Click here to see our e-library: FEDAC - Cerdanyola e-library

Videotube - school news (2nd ESO)

Creating a TV news about events in the school and surrounding area (events in the town). Videos will be posted in YouTube and the school website (1x per month). Project activities will be conducted through the TwinSpace, YouTube, Facebook/Twitter, e-mail, school website, etc. Other applications and programs used by arrangement (eg. Application for processing video, etc.).

Participants from: Turkey, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia and Spain, 

November - December 2014
January 2015