dijous, 17 de novembre del 2016

eTwinning Project Quart

La nostra escola FEDAC CERDANYOLA, amb altres escoles d'europa participem en un projecte eTwinning anomentat "Making New Friends". 
La primera activitat que hem fet ha estat una petita presentació de cada classe en llengua anglesa per a les altres escoles participants.
Esperem que us agradi.

dilluns, 20 de juny del 2016

English Day

Today it's been a very special day because we have celebrated the English Day. We have participated in different activities, we have sung the English song and we have listened some speeches from primay four and eso kids. Moreover, we have said thanks to Ann for her support and her help with the English classes. We will miss she next year.
If you want to see all the pictures report just click on the image. Hope you like them.

divendres, 22 d’abril del 2016

eTwinning Project


Avui hem publicat la tercera entrada d'aquest projecte eTwinning. En aquesta activitat hem hagut d'explicar quina feina volem fer quan siguem grans.

New eTwinning project at 1st ESO: Penpals all over Europe

The aim of this project is to help students to meet "virtually" other teenagers who live in other countries, sharing information and points of view about themselves and their lifes, their hobbies, school, free time activities, etc As an English teacher, I hope that working through emails, ppt presentations and short videos will help all the students to use the English language with a real communicative purpose. The topics will be easy and of personal interest, so that everyone can be engaged.


dimarts, 9 de febrer del 2016


Hola famílies, a quart continuem treballant aquest projecte eTwinning. Enguany, hem adjuntat una petita presentació de com hem celebrat el Carnaval a la nostra escola.
Esperem que us agradi.